Senin, 26 September 2011

Hidayat Blog | 5 excess of yamaha fz16

This post is a continuation reference from the previous blog is 5 Lack of yamaha byson,,, the following explanation .. check it out!
1). When viewed from the engine performance, this motor includes a motor with a steady round of slow, steady and fast into the topspeed, topspeed although only the range 110-120km / h (standard conditions).
2). Display with front and rear body model is very futuristic, stocky and pugnacious, as his own name that is byson (byson animals).
3). Gearshift soft and durable chain in any weather conditions.
4). Which includes efficient gasoline consumption .. fit for the wallets of young people :D .,
5). That is not less important! convenient if the path taken by long distances, although at high speed even if the motor does not shake.


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