Kamis, 22 September 2011

10 Ways to drive well

"safety riding", that's the right word for the rider who likes adrenaline and often took his motorcycle for speeding the middle of a crowded highway .. possible between the rider's safety riding all familiar in the ears and should be applied to the safety of driving .......... well, in my post this time about how to drive properly, safely and discipline, just read and listen carefully! 
1. Check the completeness of the bike and the health of the bike if you want to drive the bike and check the electrical network, whether good or bad condition.2. always carry the tools associated with machine tools such as pliers, small screwdriver, wrench, key L, a key spark plugs and spark plugs if you need to prepare a backup to replace the spark plugs are dirty / damaged by water.
3. Always wear a helmet that strong, high quality and sturdy.
4. Always wear a jacket and pants made ​​of a special touring strong materials.
5. Always use a shoe if you want to drive even a short distance once did (except just to buy something at the shop front of the house) hehe ..
6. Adjust the position of your seat when you want to drive, set the position with the right serenity and comfort.
7. Look / feel our bike axis distance to the ground when cornering, not to slash the tires touching the ground.
8. Whether the purpose of the motorcycle manufacturers to use the speedometer in the entire product? yes, the goal only for the safety of driving because we will see how fast we cruised the streets so that we will feel scared and want to reduce the speed, if there is no speedometer? do not care! then we should see continued speedometer for your own safety.
9. Always look at the rearview mirror left and right, this is to find out if a driver wants to overtake your vehicle.
10. View should be facing forward, do not be reckless and turned left / right and use the lights left / right to deviate.
So I'm posting this, may be useful and pleasing to the bikers of all..!!!!


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